Sara is one of Rebecca’s movement teachers and she lives tango. To attend one of her Tango Bootcamps, see TangoEnVie.com (and tell her Rebecca sent you!).
Description of Gyrotonic, aka “dancer crack!”
Who loves Gyrotonic?: “Corporal training for high-level athletes, dancers and old people that realize that life is gonna suck if you can’t move anymore”
34:00 – Body Has a Mind of Its Own recommendation (book)
“I think the more that we are connected to our bodies and willing to be embodied humans, the easier it will be to tell, at least it is for me, it’s always been for me.
“The more I am moving and doing some kind of workout or dance or anything that’s reminding me to stay fully in my body, the easier it is to tell. When I notice it will be things like I’ll have more energy, I’ll have more attention, I will attract more quickly. I’ll become a magnet for the things that I want. It’s like adding jet fuel to my attraction creator fire.”
-Radiant Rebecca, episode 00
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-Radiant Rebecca and the Pleasure Central Team!