098 – Radiant Rebecca’s Love Courageously Playlist BONUS

Are you looking for more love, support, and powerful partnership right now?

Want to dive deep into the topic of getting what you truly want in your romantic life?

To celebrate 100 episodes of Pleasure Central Radio, Rebecca has curated a playlist of key episodes from the show to inspire a  dive deep within yourself and come back with more clarity, love, and pleasure!

In this short 10 minute playlist introduction episode, Shawn and Rebecca give you an idea of what episodes will be included, and tell you how to listen – and why it matters.

Click HERE here to get access to the Loving Courageously playlist now, or find us on Spotify. 
Read Full Transcript

[00:00:00] Intro Narration: Hey there. Welcome to a bonus episode of Pleasure, Central Radio. I’m your host Radiant Rebecca. And this episode is Sean and I introducing a brand new curated playlist that I have been inspired to put together with episodes from this very show. The playlist is called loving generously, and you can find it both on Spotify and on my website. I’m Pleasure. Central Radio dot com.
And if you subscribe to the email list on my website, I might even send you a series of slightly seductive emails, introducing each episode at an easily digestible pace. It’s like having me walk you through my favorite podcast episodes one at a time.
If you want to get what you want through the powerful combination of authenticity, courage, and true pleasure in your relationships. Then you’re in the right place.
[00:00:52] Rebecca: Hey you. Thanks for tuning in just a quick heads up. This episode is rated R so expect that there will be some language that you may not want your kids to hear lots of adult topics and quite possibly some explicit conversations about sex. This episode is probably not safe for work though. You know, I guess it depends on where you are.
[00:01:14] Shawn:
Hello Radiant Rebecca.
I’m excited about this playlist, because this could be people’s first introduction possibly into Pleasure Central Radio.
[00:01:24] Radiant Rebecca: Yes, yes.
[00:01:25] Shawn: So, because that might be the case, I was hoping that we would get started kind of talking about what Pleasure Central Radio is.
[00:01:32] Radiant Rebecca: Well Pleasure Central Radio is a podcast we’ve had running for about five years, and it is all about pleasure, some of it’s sexual pleasure, some of it is just, you know, how good can you feel in your everyday life? How much can you enjoy the food that you’re eating? And how much pleasure can you get out of your life in general, in your world? And for me I find that the really deep key to true pleasure is lining up the things that I’m creating in my life with my real values. So that’s where we’re starting out for this podcast, for this playlist.
[00:02:07] Shawn: And often, one of the most important sources for people, or one of the biggest sources of joy and pleasure for people is their relationships.
[00:02:17] Radiant Rebecca: Yeah. The beauty of relationships and partnership is that it can encompass, and it’s often intertwined with so many aspects of our lives. And I find that the more aspects of our lives we’re able to get into alignment with our true values, then the more fruitful everything else feels like it is.
[00:02:37] Shawn: We talked a lot uh, in the episodes that you and I have recorded together, we’ve talked a lot about clarity, and about how finding clarity for, you know, for all different aspects of our lives, especially our relationships is um, super valuable, in fact valuable, in fact you have… I think that the way that you, you talked about how you pick these episodes was what you call a self respect circle.
[00:02:59] Radiant Rebecca: Yeah, actually. Uh, one of the reasons that I came up with the playlist the way that it is is I had some mentors who were saying, “You’re gonna curate your content.” And I’ve got 100 episodes out there now. So curating it is easiest way for people to actually dive into it and get the most out of it right away, so if you’re going to curate your content, find some way of pulling it all together. And I realized that for a lot of my listeners and for myself, a big piece of relationships is figuring out how can I get what I truly want, and the love that I want, the names that I have met, how can I get all of that met and do that in a loving relationship? And it’s uh, it’s a very tricky balance, there’s a lot of things that need to be taken into consideration, and in my experience the clarity for what really matters is where it all starts. And so that’s why I’ve called this a self respect playlist, because each one of these episodes helped me figure out what was important for me to maintain myself respect both in my work as a courtesan, and as a sex worker, and as a polyamorous person, but also to continue to grow that self respect right?
It’s not, I don’t have the same amount of self respect I had when I was 19, I have the amount of respect that I have for myself as a four year old who’s done a lot of really cool things in my life.
[00:04:23] Shawn: Nice. So let’s talk about the playlist itself. So as I look through the list, one of the things you just got is blowjob tips. Tell us about why blowjob Tips is in the, in the self respect circle playlist [laughing].
[00:04:37] Radiant Rebecca: Yeah, that episode is really important to me. Uh, it was one of the earlier episodes that we did about sexual education, and how important it is to continue to explore, and to expand what you think you know about sex. And uh, that one was great, and then the Sex and the Suburbs, both of those episodes. I was helping to create them as models of how to communicate, especially how to communicate your pleasure, what really matters to you, and what feels good, and what doesn’t. Because, when we can get clearer and better at communicating that without any of the extra baggage that sometimes comes with communication, then we can uh, start to get some really clear space and some blank slates that we can build, some great foundations.
[00:05:25] Shawn: Build great things on, yeah.
[00:05:26] Radiant Rebecca: Yeah.
[00:05:28] Shawn: And then there were two episodes that I wasn’t sure what they meant, one was called the Tanuki Method, and one called, one had a word called compergence, Compersion.
[00:05:39] Radiant Rebecca: [laughs].
[00:05:41] Shawn: And the first thing that I do when I hear a word that I don’t know of course is I go to dictionary.com, and guess what?
[00:05:46] Radiant Rebecca: It’s not in it.
[00:05:47] Shawn: [laughs].
[00:05:48] Radiant Rebecca: Yeah, that’s right. Dictionary.com has quite caught up with the poly world, right, yeah. Compersion is a, a very interesting concept, it’s one that I’ve found to be really helpful for me in relationships, but it’s the idea of pleasure is your partner’s pleasure. So if your partner really wants to be a lawyer, and are going to school, and they’re enjoying it, and you’re helping support them, that might be one form of Compersion, you know, you’re getting pleasure at your partner getting to go out and do what they really wanna do with their lives. Uh, but in the poly world, it’s more often about pleasure at your partner’s physical pleasures, so maybe someone you’re dating is going out on a first date with someone else, and they get to have sex, and you’re all excited, that’s great. Um, yeah, Compersion is a powerful thing.
And the other one you said, it’s the Tanuki Method, I know you were pretending to not know what that is [laughs]. Uh, it’s an episode with a woman named Tanuki, who is another courtesan who I’ve known for a long time, and she’s also poly, and we have some very similar lifestyle and history, so it’s fun to get to have conversations with her about relationships, and long term partnerships. She’s also a long term partnership kind of poly person. And in that episode we talked about models of consent, and how to figure out whether you’re getting the, getting the consent that you think you’re getting, or how to invite somebody so that you can get consent properly. And that was pretty interesting, but for us, uh, in that episode, the high price of admission was kind of the star of that particular one, and being able to create your own moral code, because I think at some point most of us as adults, we realize that what we were taught as kids might need to be updated. Society is updated, we’re no longer as connected to the religion, or to the whatever ideologies we were brought up with, and now it’s time to look at it for ourselves and make some choices as an adult. And so that’s a big part of what Tanuki and I talked about in that episode.
[00:07:57] Shawn: Okay. One episode that you and I did together was a Boudoir episode.
[00:08:01] Radiant Rebecca: Yes.
[00:08:02] Shawn: I said that in a very beautiful French accent.
[00:08:05] Radiant Rebecca: You did.
[00:08:06] Shawn: And uh, a big part of that was where we talked about uh, having an accurate view of yourself, and really getting some good clarity about who you are. You wanna expand… I know there’s other episodes that kind of dealt with the same subject, or similar subjects.
[00:08:19] Radiant Rebecca: Yeah, there are other episodes that deal with that, like recognizing who you are now, how far you’ve come, and letting that be a badge of honor. So the Boudoir episode is particularly about seeing yourself through the eyes of the camera, through the lens of the camera, and cameras show us what’s real. So uh, being able to go through that process and see the reality of what’s being reflected in your face, and in your body, and in your clothes uh, is a very interesting process, and one that I think is critical for helping increase your level of self respect, and self awareness. And part of having an accurate view of yourself is knowing what truly matters, you know, what are your bottom lines in relationship, what are your most important things? And if those aren’t getting met, then there’s really no point in investing in a relationship. And uh, also looking at what are the things that are fairly small that you can totally put up with, or make agreements around, because it’s not a deal breaker. It’s important, but it’s not enough to be a deal breaker.
[00:09:24] Shawn: And then there were a couple of fun episodes about connection.
[00:09:27] Radiant Rebecca: Yeah. Connection is important, and I think connection’s required for intimacy, and I think intimacy is required for good partnership, so it all sells on connection. [laughs]. And there’s so many different ways you can connect with people. I’ve, I put a couple of episodes in here that are specifically connected to nourishing, so nourishing yourself, nourishing relationships, um, nourishing the people around you, your family, etc. For those of, the vibrate moments game that I talked about, and the joy bank, those are, you know, my go to nourishing things. But for longer term partnerships, and things that are a little bit more serious that have a few more moving parts, the full moon partnership ritual is another great one for nourishing a partnership, and helping it grow. [laughs].
And to finish off the playlist, we have very short gem of an episode, it’s one of my favorites, it’s a peek into an intimate moment with me and one of my partners. And the reason why I like it so much is it, we recorded it just after doing one of our full moon partnership rituals, so we’re very connected, we’re very in tune with each other, got a lot of intimacy going on. And I actually got some responses from people who listened to this episode, and they said, “I had never really understood what intimacy was until I heard that. I thought I had had intimacy, and then I heard that episode, and I realized I’ve never had that.”
And yeah, so that’s what I’m hoping that uh, you can listen to, and get to your own is just recognizing that there’s a whole lot more potential for joy, and happiness, and true pleasure in your life. And this episode shows my favorite ways to get there myself, and I hope that they will also increase your self respect.
[00:11:30] Shawn: That sounds great. Okay so, but when you were just talking about that, the other people who were just saying that they didn’t realize what true intimacy was, what popped into my strange brain is the red pill [laughs] and the blue pill. Like, so I could take the red pill and just remain in my ignorance, or I could listen to these episodes, and take the blue pill, and just see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
[00:11:57] Radiant Rebecca: Yeah, absolutely. And I think, I think that’s a very useful metaphor, thank you. [laughs] let’s go see how much true pleasure can really fuel your life and your relationships. So I know from experience as a sex worker for 10 years, as a courtesan, as a polyamorous woman for 20 years that these sorts of things, they add up, they’re small, but they add up to a lot. They add up to an entirely different way of being in the world, and totally different way of looking at relationships, and seeing them as, “How can this improve my life?” Instead of, “How can I barely get what I need from someone who kind of doesn’t wanna give it to me?” It’s a, it’s a different world, um, and it can be really good.
[00:12:47] Shawn: So you have an overarching theme to this whole series, and it is?
[00:12:54] Radiant Rebecca: It is that clarity, at least bravery. And I hope that you find the clarity that you need to be as brave as you need to be, so that you can get what you want to.
[00:13:06] Shawn: So everybody, if you haven’t met her before, this is Radiant Rebecca, and it’s time to press play.
[00:13:12] Radiant Rebecca: See ya.
[00:13:12] Intro Narration: To listen to the entire playlist that we’ve been talking about, the self-respect playlist, AKA loving, courageously. Go to Pleasure Central Radio dot com and look for the headline, getting the love and support you need and partnership to feed your true pleasure. On the homepage.
Happy listening!

Here are the credits for today’s episode

The playlist recap video that was the basis of this episode was inspired by my friend, Tony.

WeAreMembers mastermind buddy. And the whole idea was sparked by Ronsley from the WeAreMembers family.

We are members as an international podcasting mastermind group. They are an amazing group of people. I’ve been working with them for a couple of years now and if you own a podcast, and you would like to build comradery with a group of podcasters from around the globe. if you’re interested you can go to WeAreMembers.com and find out more and come and join me!

“I wanted to make a collection of powerful insights and classic episodes from the show to help you find your deepest joys and pleasures faster.
Getting the love and support you need is worth the effort. I’m rooting for your happiness too!
-Radiant Rebecca

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