035 – “Girl on Girl” Series, Lee & Rebecca, aka Threesome Fantasies, Sex Parties and Intimacy
Radiant Rebecca and an old friend, Lee, share some intimate girl talk about the assumptions people make about our pussies, what we want our future lovers to know, being brave for hard conversations, threesomes and threesome fantasies, open-hearted communication, our best sexual memories and another hot story from a sex party.
Oh, and also, what intimacy looks like between friends, an Abraham-Hicks style game to activate the feeling of what we DO what in our relationships and telling a new story! (It’s a long episode, but it’s packed with goodness!)
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RATING: Describing sexual acts, talking about genitalia, cursing
Bio for this Week’s Guest:
“Lee brings couples closer together with next-level compassionate communication and erotic massage skills. She helps women confidently touch her man’s genitals with skill, and she helps men understand how to treat a woman so that she’s eager to open up to him in and out of the bedroom.” To learn more about Lee Jagger, see her website: https://www.rockthebedroom.com/connect __________ SHOW NOTES
R: How do you meet your intimacy needs while single?
2:30 – Intimacy within friends’ groups
4:37 – challenge each other to tell a story that is positive (instead of “romantic relationships are more hassle than they are worth)
6:10 – an “Abraham-Hicks style experiment for attracting a romantic relationship” (To learn more about Abraham-Hicks visit https://www.abraham-hicks.com/about/)
6:54 – Erotica and it’s potential for bringing me back into my body
8:02 – writing for the pure purpose of activating the vibration of what you want
14:35 – “Until you know, you don’t know!” (Cold feet story)
16:34 – Story about “Sam” and Rebecca on our first trip, talking about the vasectomy/baby conversation
21:50 – not valuing ourselves enough to speak up for ourselves in relationship
28:30 – Sticking with someone because of “Time invested”
30:28 – “I can’t see this being the end… but if it is… you are both better people for having done this.” – Quoting Marie Ruzicka
31:34 – “I’m not honoring myself if I allow this to happen.”
31:51 – “…muster up the vagina… (instead of balls)” – Lee
33:33 – Eliza Schlessinger, Unveiled Netflix show (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATDhYdHbvc0)
34:50 – What do people assume about your vagina that isn’t true?
37:50 – “Do not assume that how you are touching me feels good to me. Ask the question.” – Lee
48:60 – why are we talking about so much of what we don’t want?
50:50 – “what makes a great lover in your book?” – Lee
53:40 – “Being able to listen to both of our bodies… is what makes an excellent lover” – Rebecca
56:32 – “So how many lovers do you have now?” – Lee
“Probably 4?” Lol! -Rebecca
57:11 – finding the right dynamic for a MFM/MMF Threesome
58:30 – Trio, erotic book LINK
1:00:26 – Lee’s threesome Fantasy
1:02:15 – The women who wanted to have sex with me at the sex party, and the sexy tangle we created
1:02:57 – “Two mouths on my breasts… that is fucking amazing!” – Rebecca
1:04:32 – Rebecca’s first threesome…
Not bringing life to the experience
Lee experiences Outlander as erotica
01:25:41 – What is your BEST sexual memory? (Maybe make THIS the snippet?)
01:27:27 – Quodoushka book mention (https://www.quodoushka.org/)