041 – Take Your Safety With You, w/ Suzanne & Rebecca
Rated R
Rebecca & Suzanne talk about polyvagal theory and polyamory, and share personal strategies for generating a feeling of safety in one’s body no matter what the situation is.
5:30 – how do I know I’m feeling safe? How does my body tell me I’m safe?
35:30 – Safety should not be CONTINGENT on the environment
36 – mentioned Human Design – https://humandesignamerica.com/
37:50 – “If I’m feeling it, I’m somehow a match to it. It’s like starting with a clean kitchen.” – Rebecca
39:30 – “It’s not ‘I AM angry’, it’s ‘I’m feeling angry.’” – Rebecca
40:36 – “Take baby steps, and use your imagination for your benefit.” – Rebecca
41:00 – “Take your safety with you.” – Rebecca
41:34 – remember to imagine what it could be like, and end on the best-case scenario
43:40 – “Safety can be practiced ahead of time.” – Suzanne
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