Rebecca and Sam read separate poems from the same author, Oriah Mountain Dreamer.
To read more about the author, check out her website here: http://www.oriahmountaindreamer.com/
If you appreciated this episode and you like the idea of having a literary friendship, where you can share back and forth with somebody, I am building an online community. This is partially sparked out of my experience of having COVID and being isolated on my own for 10 days. I knew that I needed to find a way to connect with people.
And so I did what computer geeks do when they don’t know something: I Googled it!
And I ended up researching a bunch of different things, finding a platform I really liked, hopping into it and, within, I don’t know, four or five days I made six or seven real-life connections. People that I’m going to have on the podcast. People that are super interesting and excited to be doing something in the world.
It was a really cool experience.
So because of that, I’ve decided I’m going to create something similar for the podcast. So, if you’re a fan of Pleasure Central Radio, and if you’d like to connect with me and explore this new project that I’m creating, I would love to have you come and check it out!
The point and purpose of this community together men and women who want to normalize the conversation about all manner of ethical pleasure
in order to step up our partnership skills while deepening our understanding and compassion of others through sharing stories of meaningful pleasure
so that we can each live the bliss of an emotionally honest life through communicating what truly matters to us to the people who matter most to us, and build a life full of sustainable, fulfilling relationships that you are deeply proud of.
If that sounds like fun, if you would like to come and be a beta tester and check this community out, if you’re excited and get all Twittery and, uh, jittery by hearing that purpose, then I would love to meet you.
Click on the link in the show notes, come in and say hello!
I can’t wait to see what you add!