Pleasure Famine: Coping in 2020 and Beyond
RATED PG: Describing difficult situations
Rebecca & Sara talk about what has been missing in their lives during the pandemic, how they are coping, the apathy that creeps in when our lives’ story arcs feel so much smaller than they have been, social media and it’s effects, and the different ways that different cultures connect around tragedy – optimism and pessimism.
“I enjoyed listening [to this episode], so much of it resonates with me still, especially with with my frame of mind over the past couple of months, and hearing others talk about how they’re affected helps a great deal. In fact, I’ve found this and your last 2-3 episodes to be a bit therapeutic to me, as they’ve drawn some strong emotions, made me think back through a lot of past experiences and process differently, and also better understand some of my current challenges with loneliness and lack of connection, even though I’m married and live with someone.” – A Beta Group Listener
The prior episode with Sara, episode 29, is about Tango, Neuromapping, Embodiment and 0-60 Intimacy and it can be found at:
To learn more about Sara, this week’s guest, visit tangoenvie.com
Contact her to schedule private Gyrotonic or tango classes.
Books we talked about:
The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains
Together: The Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World
Nonviolent Communication (A Language of Life)
Would you like to help us make this podcast even better? Tell us what really helped you, what hit home, what surprised you, what motivated you to do something different in your own life…
And thank you for being a part of the conversation!
-Radiant Rebecca