RATED R: Language & explicit sexual content.
Rebecca shares three short, touching and unexpected stories with Rowan about her life right now.
It’s dedicated to my wonderful ex, Tom, and my touchingly creative friend Val.
“[This conversation] also has a great mix of authenticity, compassion and vulnerability. Your compassion for Tom after the fact really comes through, and it was very nice to hear his comment about how you really believe in and practice the authentic approach to relationships you espouse.”
“As for vulnerability, talking about breakups and what was going through your head before and after (i.e. thinking about how to put more energy into the relationship and then seeing the bright side that you can focus your life elsewhere) is a common part of a lot of relationships that end, I imagine, so it’s definitely something [other] listeners will be able to relate to.” – BETA listener group participant
“Thanks for listening to ‘Pleasure Central Radio’ hosted by me, Rebecca Beltran. My guest / co-host today was Rowan. Today’s episode was written and researched by me, with technical production by me. I get significant creative feedback from my Beta listeners group, for this episode, special thanks goes to Tom, Eli, Bradley, and to the sweet couple who let me into their lives for an evening. Thanks also goes to Val D’Alessio for speaking her heart so that the rest of us can hear it and be affected by it.
And of course to you listening. This wouldn’t be nearly as much fun without you. I look forward to your company on the next episode.”
Last Year’s House Concert for Rebecca Birthday, year 2020 (PCR Episode 047)
Val D’Alessio
Val specializes in music celebrating the joy of living from the heart. You can find more of her Joy and Passion Powered Folk Pop on a Country Blues Backroad music and inspirations here: http://www.valdalessio.com/
Mind, Body, and Soul – The Game for Any Couple
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And thank you for being a part of the conversation!
-Radiant Rebecca