106 – The Healthier you are the Better Sex you Have
RATED R: Sexual content
What do chiropractics and sexual performance have to do with each other?
Rebecca and one of her occasional lovers, who also happens to be a chiropractor, talk frankly and personally about their own journeys with physical and sexual health, and share many of the best strategies they know for recovering and thriving again.
Rebecca talks with Dr. Bradley about a few common causes of sexual dysfunction, focusing on how to treat the root cause instead of treating the symptom. They especially explore how having a healthy lifestyle and a strong circulatory system with enough volume (aka hydration) is crucial to great arousal, great erections and great pleasure.
Dr. Bradley explains easy techniques to improve circulation, which is a natural way to improve hard-ons (equally applicable to women’s clitoris). In the second half of the episode, Dr Bradley answers listeners’ questions about improving erections, orgasms, and sexual pleasure regardless of age.
Once you realize how important good circulation is to great sex (and performance), you will ALSO be scrambling to put into place some of these great tips to help increase your own pleasure.
Guest Details
Connect with Dr. Bradley Franklin
Dr. Franklin is a passionate chiropractor. He was awarded Top Clinic Intern out of his class of 80+ graduates. After completing his chiropractic education at Logan College of Chiropractic in St. Louis, Missouri in 2009, Dr. Franklin came home to Silverdale, Washington to establish his dream Chiropractic practice.
Educating his community about the benefits of chiropractic care is a major driving force behind his success. With this goal in mind, he holds a monthly event called ‘Connecting the Dots on Health’, helping attendees understand the source of pain and health problems, providing them with an opportunity to ask pressing questions about their health, debunking myths and teaching stretching techniques that would help with bloodflow.
A lifelong patient himself, Dr. Franklin has personally experienced the difference chiropractic adjustments make as part of a healthy lifestyle. He truly endeavors to “save the world one spine at a time!”
If you are inspired to join Bradley for a free educational monthly event to learn more about how to keep your body in great alignment, thrive and enjoy life, he would love to meet you in person!
The next event is July 19th at his chiropractic office in Silverdale, Washington. See the show notes for a link to his website or to contact him.
Think about this:
-Viagra has it’s benefits… AND here is where it can get you in trouble and erect a barrier to deeper connection with your partner
-Blood circulation is an important factor for great pleasure and great erections. Explore natural ways of improving your blood flow:
1. Hydration
2. Cold water submersion
3. Keeping active
4. Treating any back pain or other pain
5. Effectively deal with your stress (letting it build chronically with dampen your sexual response over time)
-During sex, if you are not in the moment (i.e. distracted or stressed), there is a higher chance of losing a connection (and usually losing the erection!) and struggling to have an orgasm. This applies to the female genital anatomy too!
-What is your lifestyle like? What is your sex life like? Do you think there are any correlations?
-“The healthier you are the better sex you have. The more you are stressed out and in survival mode, the less likely your body is to have potent, powerful, enjoyable sex.”
-Are you living your authentic self? Are you struggling to have your hierarchal needs met? This prevents you from prioritising pleasure.
-Your face, lips and groin area have the most concentrated nerve endings for sensual pleasure – a natural, evolutionary part of our existence. Not shameful.
-Feeling shameful about your sexuality, often due to socio-environmental factors, can stand in the way of a fulfilling sex life.
-When it comes to sexual pleasure, age does not matter.
-Remember that you’re in control of your body, you tell it what to do.
Keep Exploring
Listen to Episode 093, about a poly birthday party in which Bradley is featured on.
[00:00:37] Rebecca: Hey there Bradley. [00:00:38] Bradley: Hi Rebecca. [00:00:39] Rebecca: I am really glad that you are able to come and make it on the show, finally. [00:00:44] Bradley: it has been a long time waiting and I’m very happy to start. [00:00:48] Rebecca: It has you were on the show about a year ago when I had my birthday party and everyone came and recorded a short little mm-hmm piece. [00:00:57] Yeah. So you’re on the episode. Uh, I don’t remember exactly which one it’s called, but one of those episode. And, uh, I know we had talked a lot about very sexy things. I mean, for me, you’re one of the people who has a very high level of both experience with touch and sexuality and changing your mind about the way sex has been held in your consciousness and in your. [00:01:38] Bradley: Definitely. Wasn’t talked about joked about like, because it was so uncomfortable, we couldn’t really indulge in it. So we joked about it or. A romantic movie would be on and then someone would have to crack a joke because it was so uncomfortable. [00:01:58] Rebecca: It’s like middle school, but for your whole life . And you’ve changed your mind about a lot of that. And I I’ve known you for a little over a year. Something like that. One on two. Yeah. Going on two and. You’ve been poly and pretty sex positive for a few years. [00:02:16] Now, do you wanna,
[00:01:27] I know you grew up in a very strict religion where pretty much anything sexual was taboo or hidden or not allowed.
[00:01:51] Just the thought of sex, even though we all we wanted to do it, it’s still so taboo. Oh yeah.
[00:02:17] Bradley: yes, I let’s see. Three years ago opened up, went from being in a monogamous 20 year relationship to separating and then going into dating for the first time ever. It’s pretty typical though. If you’re at one end of a spectrum. then to change your mind or have that, that moment where of clarity, where you realize your truth today, or yesterday is no longer your truth today.
[00:02:46] And then the natural physics of it all. And the laws that just govern our existence will naturally throw you to the other side of the spectrum, just like a pendulum and, and a metronome on Adam. Right? So that was, there was no middle ground at that point. It was just extremes. Yeah.
[00:03:06] Rebecca: I’m not surprised that you brought up the pendulum thing cuz that’s how I’ve often seen it.
[00:03:10] You know, the farther someone holds back, their honest expression of their sexuality, the more they swing in the opposite direction when it finally is okay. If it ever is okay. Right. Or, or they hide it and they swing in the other direction. So end up with all kinds of like. Catholic priests doing things that they
[00:03:32] Bradley: shouldn’t do.
[00:03:33] And it’s not so much of a shouldn’t do. In my opinion, it’s a natural consequence of cornering a human that could otherwise have self-expression and not go into weird as we would call it behavioral patterns, which stem from cornering an animal and they get scared. What are they gonna do? They’re gonna react.
[00:03:54] Of course, we’re no different.
[00:03:57] Rebecca: I remember when we first met, we really connected on some of the body nerdiness about, you know, how bodies work and how they don’t. And I, with my experience as a sex worker for 10 years have all of this experience and knowledge and you as a chiropractor for many, many years, and a lot of being able to touch people and know people’s bodies like that.
[00:04:18] Also had a lot of information and we, when we sat down and talked, we just had all kinds of things to share with each other mm-hmm and I wanted to make sure that we were able to capture some of that and share that with other people, because I don’t, I don’t think many people get to overhear conversations, like the way we, we have
[00:04:38] Bradley: them.
[00:04:39] Right. And it’s quite liberating. Wouldn’t you? That’s a quote from the K Monte Christo. When he finally has that confrontation with Mercedes about his affairs, cuz he’s in France and he is a count and he’s like, huh, it’s quite liberating. Wouldn’t you think? Wouldn’t you say? And so it is so liberating to be able to have an honest conversation about what this animal inside of us is feeling without the shame of a preconceived Puritan idea.
[00:05:11] My experience. That’s how I describe it and be able to express whatever that is within the confines of not hurting anybody else or yourself concept BDSM, being some exceptions.
[00:05:26] Rebecca: right. You could have consensual
[00:05:28] Bradley: pay. Not exactly, but just generally speaking, having that autonomy to express yourself, I think again, keeps, I, I don’t think.
[00:05:39] Priests that abuse children are born that way. I think we breed them that way. And now you may have generations of issues, but I don’t think that that is something that can’t be changed because I realize that yesterday’s truth is no longer today’s truth. Can I let it go? Not that easy.
[00:06:03] Rebecca: yeah, yeah. Yeah.
[00:06:04] It’s been really refreshing to watch you too, because I. Readjusted my beliefs from, you know, the ones that I grew up with quite a bit, but also many, many years ago. So getting to be friends with you and occasional lovers with you and here your very fresh new perspectives about it. Hey, this is how I think the world is now.
[00:06:25] And this is why I’m living limb living. It’s been really exciting and really fun. Definitely. I don’t remember exactly how this came up, but I do remember. That we ended up having a conversation about circulation and orgasms, and there were so many fun things that came up. It was really neat to think about what I have known about orgasms and sexual Pleasure and see them from the lens of the chiropractic world and energy.
[00:06:58] And I think maybe it was when we were talking about. Oh, I think we were talking about hard ons and Viagra.
[00:07:08] Bradley: Yes.
[00:07:09] Rebecca: And you had some really interesting things to say
[00:07:11] Bradley: about mm-hmm okay. So with circulation problems in men, it’s still a symptom. So we gotta start the beginning. I go back just a little bit. So a lot of people go right to the symptom they treated in the chiropractic world.
[00:07:26] If someone’s gotta hip outta place and the paint’s on the, and it’s out place on the. then the problem could be there, but it could also be down the leg. It could be on the left side. And so going to the symptom would miss the point, trying to fix a lack of erection problem, erectile dysfunctions. They wanna label it, which then that self-fulfilling prophecy happens to that psychology of it, which we’ll get to some other podcast.
[00:07:51] Okay. Uh, but for the physical circulation problem, It’s not has nothing to do with the penis. The penis is fine. It needs better blood flow. It doesn’t need a coughing. Not that those aren’t great. They can be fun. Yes. But to be able to maintain a hard on is all about full body circulation. So misalign bones, block, blood flow, right.
[00:08:13] They, it’s a double edged sword. The spine protects the nervous system and keeps you from becoming a Christopher reef situation right in that vulnerability. But it also is a hindrance. It can totally. Fuck you over as soon as it misaligned itself, just a few millimeters. And so depending on what you’re hitting, what you’re causing to swell, it could be that lumbar four nerve that goes all the way to the penis.
[00:08:38] Now there’s lots of overlap. So imagine if you have a block and a roadblock at the spinal level, but you’re still trying to treat the penis and the body’s like, I’m good. Get off the Viagra, your headache. Isn’t caused by a lack of IBU prof. Yes. And your lack of functioning hard penis is not caused by a lack of Viagra.
[00:08:59] Rebecca: Okay. So since you brought up VI Viagra, I have a question for you. I know I have noticed that when I am with a client or with a partner that is using Viagra, they often have a really intense headache after they orgasm. And I’m assuming it’s something to do with blood pressure, but it’s kind of like so obvious at this point that if they have that really intense headache, I know that they’ve taken it.
[00:09:26] Whether they tell me or
[00:09:27] Bradley: not got it. Sure. Okay. So the physiology behind that, my understanding of it cause on the fly, cuz this is more medical advice. Not, I’m not your doctor so come see me. If you. You increase blood flow with Viagra, the purple pill, whatever Seattle, all those things. But when you do that, you change the chemistry of the body.
[00:09:51] You trick it to increase blood flow. That’s what those pills do. It takes your body’s natural capacity to figure out it’s issue by sending out a pain signal saying, Hey, we got a problem in my back, fix the back, and you might fix your erection. But the body then has this increased blood flow throughout the whole thing.
[00:10:08] And that’s probably excessive amount of pressure in the head and they’re feeling this pressure, which turns into a headache symptom. That makes sense. So that’s my thought on it, but I haven’t, I’d have to look it up more, just make sure, but anytime, you know, you’re going for a jog you’re red, you’re sweating because your body has to maintain that perfect temperature mm-hmm so that your organs are homogenously submerged in the same temperature and blood, all the.
[00:10:34] And so it’ll sweat or it’ll, or your fingers get cold because all that circulation, you can live without your fingers, but you need your heart, you want your penis and your boom, right. And all those other organs. And so your body’s like, well, sorry, fingers. We need this in the heart right now because it is two degrees under zero, and we’re gonna die if we don’t get some cover.
[00:10:54] So the body goes into protective mode. So your circulation, there’s no way you’re gonna have an erection in a survival mode and all too often because of our lifestyle choices. We’re in survival mode.
[00:11:07] Rebecca: Okay. So yeah, that makes a lot of sense based on what I’ve been seeing and what I know. So you mentioned a lament in the spine and other places potentially.
[00:11:19] What are some other things to think about when you’re looking at circulation and wanting to increase that for whatever
[00:11:26] Bradley: reason? That’s a great question. So we’re in a world of convenience. We need to be honest with ourselves. We’re not gonna go become a super athlete tomorrow, overnight. Fuck that idea.
[00:11:36] Nobody’s gonna do it unless you’re on drugs. And you’re crazy. Okay. I’ve been on the, but you’re not
[00:11:41] Rebecca: taking any other drugs and we have nothing else to
[00:11:43] Bradley: do. I know, right? Basic stuff. So in a cult situation, like we talked about that survival mode, if you’re out in a blizzard or it’s too below zero, you know, it’s not deadly deadly in that moment, but it’s you stay there long enough.
[00:11:57] You’re not going to. And so the body goes into survival mode. So how do we do that safely? Right? How do we challenge the body? Don’t piss it off cuz now you got an injury, but if we can just simply challenge it. So I do cold plunges. You wanna know more about that? Follow whim hop. He’s the crazy guy. He’s the Hayman, the Iceman he’s got 28 world records, total badass, and completely changed my thinking.
[00:12:22] So if you wanna keep your food from spoiling, do you throw it in the microwave? Or leave it in the sunshine or do you throw it in the freezer?
[00:12:29] Rebecca: So you’re talking about the human body as something that you don’t wanna have spoiled. So you
[00:12:34] Bradley: make it cold. Exactly. It’ll last longer. You’ll preserve it. Hot, hot baths and hot tubs all the time.
[00:12:40] Not a good idea once in a while. Sure. And I love my hot baths Bradley. I know, but balancing that out with maybe a cold shower afterwards to increase that range of tolerance, right. If you’re conditioned to experience 60 degree water, And 90 degree water. I don’t know if that’s too hot come to think of it, but just that range of exposure will make you a superhuman, just like whim.
[00:13:03] Ho the guy can sit in a salty ice water at the Arctic sea for two hours. Wow. Submerged up to his neck.
[00:13:10] Rebecca: Okay. So what is the point of making your body cold and how does that increase your circulation?
[00:13:15] Bradley: Yeah. So the way that works is your body goes into survival. And it thinks, oh no, if we don’t get blood to the extremities or somewhere, or the penis fast, it’s gonna freeze often and we’re done.
[00:13:28] So the body will then regrow and reroute new blood vessels called angio neogenesis angio, blood flow, or blood Neo new, or the matrix Genesis creation of right. So in a survival mode, it’ll go round the roadblock, increase blood. If you walk up into, or down into cold water, like if you get, get access to a lake or the Puget sound or anything like that, you can submerge yourself up to your waist and it’s not completely submerging your core, which is really intense and takes training.
[00:14:00] So you don’t hyperventilate and stuff, but if you start getting kind of waiting in the cold water for five minutes, or as much as you can tolerate over your waist and soak the grind, soak all those good things. It will compel the body to send more blood vessels there. So you’ll naturally without having to change your diet, your lifestyle, and then standing in cold water for a few minutes, you’ll get a better heart on because you’ll have better.
[00:14:24] Blood flow kind
[00:14:26] Rebecca: of makes me wish I had a penis. It’ll give me a better blood
[00:14:29] Bradley: flow for my clip to your critters. Absolutely potato potato.
[00:14:33] Rebecca: Okay. I might have to try that. I’ve been watching you do your cold plunges out in the bay. So often for the. And I haven’t yet done it with you, but now I’m getting more and more tempted.
[00:14:44] It is
[00:14:46] Bradley: uncomfortably comfortable. right. Because afterwards you feel like Superman and you start to look like your Manche ripped as fuck because your body’s constantly like shivering and contracting those muscles, which is toning them, which helps control the stability of the spine, which keeps the spine from moving out of place.
[00:15:05] Blocking nerves and blood flow. So definitely if you’ve ever had a low back injury, go get adjusted, you know, and make sure that they look the part. If they don’t, it doesn’t mean they’re not a good adjuster. They’re just not there mentally to help raise you up to a higher level of living and conceptualize the lifestyle shifts and the activities like cold plunging.
[00:15:26] This my radar wasn’t there. When, before I started changing my lifestyle. So you say, look,
[00:15:32] Rebecca: the part you. When you go to see a practitioner, make sure that their body looks like they’re in reasonable health and that they
[00:15:39] Bradley: know what they’re doing. Exactly. They don’t have to. I genetic lottery, I got lucky. I look like a really strong person.
[00:15:47] Yes. The Ladon fortunate. Right. And that form and framework was there underneath 60 pounds of fat and back pain. And before, when I was in that religion, you’re part of the sheep. You’re part of the. So you don’t really stand out and Excel because that’s selfish. And so I didn’t take care of my body. There was, it was pointless.
[00:16:08] That’s not why I’m here on this earth. I’m here to save the world. Right. But when I got out of that, I still couldn’t pick up my kids and I couldn’t play with them. And I couldn’t travel to church even for 20 minutes without my back, going out from old injuries that had never fixed. So blood flow sucked to my penis too, but I was like 25 years old and having erectile dysfunction.
[00:16:29] Wow. And I kind of understood why, but I didn’t appreciate it. That’s
[00:16:33] Rebecca: interesting cuz knowing you now and like I can’t imagine that ever being a problem for you. So
[00:16:39] Bradley: yeah. I even like people that are 30 I’m like I’m it’s cuz I’m old. I’m like bullshit. I’m 40. And I feel like I’m 20 and my hardons are better than ever.
[00:16:47] And I don’t take Viagra mm-hmm or anything mm-hmm other than vitamins and whole foods and water, like those things are really important. And so we, you know, patch yourself on the back for getting outta bed during this really intense time, and then patch yourself on the back again for drinking more water, you know, and doing something to increase blood flow, because if you’re dehydrate.
[00:17:08] Forget it and expecting her to be all warm and fuzzy for you and moist , especially if she’s
[00:17:15] Rebecca: dehydrated. Exactly. Yeah. It’s interesting. I’m glad you brought that up because dehydration was, has been one of my first go-to tips when clients will come in and say, okay, this is a problem I’m having. I’m like, well, first of all, are you drinking enough water?
[00:17:29] Because if you’re not, there’s no way there’s enough volume of blood and liquid in your body to hold up your cock.
[00:17:36] Bradley: Right. So drink water that doesn’t keep you alive. it keeps the human race alive in a certain way, but it doesn’t, your heart gets the water. First. Your brain gets the water. First. Your stomach gets the water.
[00:17:47] First kidney stones happen because kidneys are not first on the list. Erections. Forget it. It’s like number 10, if you’re lucky. Wow. I haven’t even added up all the body parts that come before the penis or the C so expecting excellent sex when you’re dehydrated. And like, I don’t like water. I. Well, then add some flavor to it.
[00:18:06] Just stop drinking the coffee, the alcohol and the beer and stuff that dehydrates you. Yep. And then you’ll have better sex. Cuz if you take Viagra on a dehydrated body, you will fuck up your body in all its organs. Can’t emphasize that enough. Okay.
[00:18:22] Rebecca: That’s good to know. Yeah. Yeah. Everything has side effects, but yeah, when it’s.
[00:18:29] Very high price. You gotta be careful of what
[00:18:31] Bradley: you’re doing. And our bodies are like sports cars, so treat ’em like that
[00:18:36] Rebecca: hair hair. Okay. So when we decided this would be a fun episode to do, I asked some of my listeners for questions and I have a couple here, seven or eight, I think. So I’m gonna read them one at a time and feel free to answer as much or as little as you can.
[00:18:56] And then. We’ll see what other fun stories we can tell at the end for a little bit of sexy
[00:19:00] Bradley: bedtime. Nice. Sounds great. Let’s do it.
[00:19:03] Rebecca: Okay, so here’s one question. How might high blood pressure and drugs such as Losartan affect sexual performance?
[00:19:13] Bradley: That is a great question. Okay. Right outta the bat. I am not familiar with Losartan and, uh, what it’s intended to do.
[00:19:19] It’s intended juice, but I can tell you, like we just talked about, if we don’t have enough water in our body, Yet, we’re still swallowing these pills that the liver has to filter and filter through when you’re rinsing your grape or your rice or anything like that, you need water. You can’t just shake it out and hope all the bugs and the dirt fall off.
[00:19:40] You have to have water. So high blood pressure and blood pressure pills on dehydration. Your body’s not gonna give any of that extra blood flow to your, your clitoris, because it has to have it to filter that pill you’re taking. Otherwise the heart’s like I am going to die because I have no water. So that’s where heart attacks come in.
[00:20:01] So, and we’re mostly made up of water 70 to 90%. There’s a debate and always will be. But if we came from water, if we evolved or we follow that concept, then if we are going without water, you will, Shrove up like a grape turns into a raisin.
[00:20:16] Rebecca: And what about if they’re not dehydrated, but they are just having some of these drug interactions.
[00:20:24] Bradley: To over generalize it admittedly the general response to medication, the body has to interpret those new compounds and assimilate them into the body in a productive, functional way with as minimal side effects as possible. Cuz the body doesn’t wanna get sick. It’s totally happy being healthy, but we don’t know how to make it healthy because we’re not being taught that on commercial.
[00:20:50] We’re taught about what might happen if you take this. Yes. But to be taught how to, so the overgeneralization would be, the prescriptions will affect the body in a way that is unnatural to it. And so sexual performance just takes a backseat. Hmm. Does that make sense? Yeah. So when other functions of the body are malfunctioning, those are the priority for the.
[00:21:15] And it has to process what that chemical is that it’s taking as well. Wondering, do I need this? Oh, I do need this, but how come my pancreas isn’t producing this anymore? Like the insulin, you know, that kind of idea. Yeah. So when it’s Russian roulette with chemicals and so you don’t know, there’s no sure.
[00:21:33] Fire explanation for why you can’t keep a heart on, if you’re taking a certain medication other than. The complication that you induce by introducing a foreign substance into the body. When the body already makes millions of compounds, it is the best chemist you’ve ever imagined. so
[00:21:50] Rebecca: basically it sounds like what we’re both saying here is the healthier you are, the better sex you have and the more you are stressed out and in what we’re calling survival mode.
[00:22:07] Then the less likely your body is going to be able to have potent powerful, enjoyable
[00:22:15] Bradley: sex, correct. An absolute direct correlation. Yeah. There’s few absolute in this world, but when your body is sick and is putting out a fire, it doesn’t have time to give you a good heart on as horny as you are. And as built up as that sexual tension.
[00:22:31] Unless your body is chillaxed and is not putting fires out all day long with type two diabetes type thing or high blood pressure. Cholesterol’s high. We knew these things thousands of years ago about how the health of the spine and what we eat matters drastically.
[00:22:51] Rebecca: Yeah, that makes sense for me too. That is the thing that I can tell is always true.
[00:22:58] That. The fitter somebody is the
[00:23:02] Bradley: more they’re going to enjoy sex very much. So I enjoy it now at age 40, more than I did when I was 20 granted, I was a moron missionary and I was helping pop out babies and sleep deprived and going to school. Sex was like number 10 on the list. Again, talk about survival mode.
[00:23:21] Yeah. Survival mode. When you don’t get to live your authentic. It’s so difficult to prioritize Pleasure. Mm-hmm because you still have to have your hierarchical needs met. Yeah. First sex is one of ’em. It is a very important part of life, but it’s not breathing and it’s not digesting food that keeps yourselves alive.
[00:23:41] Yeah.
[00:23:42] Rebecca: Very good point. Okay. Are there any positions to increase blood flow and last longer for someone who has performance issue?
[00:23:53] Bradley: Positions in sex or positions in, um, like stretching type thing. I think the question meant positions in sex. Okay. Try not to kink the host so the Pleasure for bending the penis down on his hard down toward the floor is so enjoyable.
[00:24:10] However, it will kink the hose. And so missionary style is great because you are not being squished by your partner. And sometimes if you’re too squished right below the, the groin on the inner thigh, there’s some major blood flow arteries and veins that are going through there. So your legs will start to go numb.
[00:24:31] Your penis starts to get soft, and it’s got nothing to do with anything other than the fact that you’re literally stepping on the hose. so avoid pressure to the male groin and hip area. So missionary position’s great because the penis is intended to come up and. Not kinked down in a weird fun cowboy riding cowgirl style,
[00:24:52] Rebecca: right?
[00:24:53] Yeah. That’s okay. That’s good to think about cuz I’ve never thought about the stepping on the hose or putting a kink in the hose, but I have noticed that every now and then there are some people, I think it’s just part of their anatomy, the way that they’re built, but some positions, some girl on top positions.
[00:25:08] True. They just, they can’t stay hard for very long. And now I’m putting in my head. Why we switched a different position. It’s fine.
[00:25:16] Bradley: Anatomy shapes and how unique everyone’s anatomy is. Absolutely. So some missionary positions, what if your penis does grow downward? Mine grows upward when it gets hard, some people get hard and they have a reverse curve on their penis and it curves kind of down toward the ground, like a P of a stream of P.
[00:25:35] And so depending on anatomy, contours and shapes and directions, yeah, that will. So just dunking the host. And so get into a position that doesn’t do that scissoring each other. That’s great because everyone’s open wide great blood flow. There’s no bending of the legs, which decreases blood flow. So yeah, try not to kink the hoses and the chin junctions of the knees and things like that.
[00:25:59] Rebecca: Nice. Yeah. I’ve known for a long time that it’s really challenging for me to have an orgasm when my legs are bent.
[00:26:08] Bradley: Okay. So yeah. So the missionary position where everybody’s straight. pH physically not actually nice. Then that’s a great position to ensure great blood flow and all the time we’re sitting in chairs at a computer and our knees are bent in it.
[00:26:25] That’s a kink that’s like in my town, the skinny areas of during when all the traffic lets out and it’s all the, the bottleneck, right? Yeah. So when you bend the joint, you bend the cock, you kink the hose. Nice. Okay. Balls, OFS can’t lie. You know,
[00:26:43] Rebecca: I didn’t really expect to be getting that much extra information from me and my sex life out this conversation, but holy cow, Bradley, I am learning
[00:26:52] Bradley: stars.
[00:26:53] This is how I talk to my patients because the more you understand how your body functions. Then sex truly becomes pleasurable because you don’t have to wonder, am I gonna get it up this time? Yeah, you’re gonna have, no, you have to wonder about like, what position does she like or he, or they, a little
[00:27:10] Rebecca: bit of knowledge
[00:27:10] Bradley: goes a long way.
[00:27:11] Yes it does. And it’s all the same damn parallel. When you figure out one system of the body, the rest of them parallel, the universe is very simple. The body’s very simple. It’s complex beyond complexity, but it’s so simple. It’s like here’s pattern. It works. Let’s reuse it. And it’s. Snot boogers, loogies, all that gross stuff.
[00:27:30] You ever notice that textures similar to sperm for a good reason, right? Attaches to the inner lining different podcasts. We have so podcast about human body function and sexuality is awesome. Oh my God.
[00:27:43] Rebecca: Yes. Okay. You ready for another question? Yes. So this is the question as it was written and we can decide what we’re gonna
[00:27:50] Bradley: do about it.
[00:27:51] Rebecca: it sounds like sudden loss of erection might be covered on this episode. How about delete ejaculation? Can it be related or completely different? Hmm,
[00:28:03] Bradley: it’s a pretty wide question, right? Okay. Give me your interpretation first and that’ll help me. From being a squirrel here and giving you a thousand things all at once.
[00:28:12] Okay.
[00:28:13] Rebecca: So my interpretation, the way I’m reading this sudden loss of erection, guessing, gosh, I don’t know. I guess there are a lot of different reasons why that can happen sometimes
[00:28:24] Bradley: mental, a lot of times it’s mental sometimes it’s front door. Yeah. I. Did I pay the bill today? Oh shit. Right. So yeah, preoccupation and not in the moment is going to give you the fastest loss of erection.
[00:28:40] Mm-hmm because it’s, it’s meant, think about it. So you’re gonna have orgasms emotionally and mentally without the physical touch. I have not been able to master that yet. Still practicing that master, but it takes mastering. And so this is all part of the plan. So stay present. Definitely. No one else can make you do that.
[00:29:02] You have to do that. And if you’re not, and you’re often LA LA land are worried about the kids, the bills, the house, whatever. You’re not gonna keep an erection, no matter how hot she is and how much you guys connect ISA from he, he to she, but I am pansexual and open about it. I love everyone. And so when I refer to she or he just the generalities.
[00:29:24] Yep.
[00:29:24] Rebecca: Whichever gender your partner happens to be or pronoun they wish to
[00:29:28] Bradley: use. Love it. Yeah.
[00:29:30] Rebecca: I was thinking about that too. I’ve noticed often it can be an emotional disconnection. Yeah. Where the person that you’re with, whether you notice that they’re not connected to you or you’re just not connected to them.
[00:29:44] If there’s not that back and forth, that co creativeness in the emotional aspect, or if there’s something in your relationship, that’s creating some yeah. Real problems, logistical problems. One of, you’s not able to have disconnect. Yeah. If one of you’s not able to have your heart open anymore. You’ve. Hurt and it now doesn’t feel fun to connect with somebody, right?
[00:30:06] Those are all very real, very common in my experience.
[00:30:11] Bradley: Thank you for bringing that up. The mental is huge, huge contribution. It’s public knowledge at this point, but I’m also in the middle of a divorce after 20 years of marriage. And we’ve known each other since we were 15, but it was one of those almost arranged marriages through the church.
[00:30:26] Right? You can’t touch each other until you say yes, across the altar and the holy temples. Different podcast. Definitely. What is delayed ejaculation? Like they’ve been edging for too long? Uh,
[00:30:41] Rebecca: possibly I think that’s a common. Way that, that presents, but it can also be, you just can’t come. You can’t come, you can’t come, you can’t
[00:30:49] Bradley: come could be more mental related again, if you’re off in Lala land, I’ve done that.
[00:30:54] And I have amazing connection with some of my lovers, right. In those moments. I mean, you can always, so, but if you, if you’re not there, then that delayed react delayed ejaculation could happen simply because you are not, you are not focused on your, your pee for me, my penis. Going in and out of whatever it is, I’m touching mm-hmm right.
[00:31:16] And I’m off on Lala land. And so I’m not focused on the sensation. That’s on my penis. Remember your face, lips and groin, your reproductive organs, the external genitalia have the most concentrated nerve endings for sensory Pleasure. Mm-hmm . This is evolutionary, not shame. So in those situations, there’s no problem with the anatomy, but is there enough blood flow to it?
[00:31:47] Is there enough nerve conduction to it? Did you cut a wire? Is there a little cut in the wire? You know what I mean? Is there irritation preventing that those are some reasons for not able to maintain erections or even get to the point of coming. Yeah, that
[00:32:01] Rebecca: makes sense. I know I’ve had experience myself in the past with using masturbation to go to sleep, which was very, very effective mm-hmm and because I was doing it every night for, I don’t know, a month or something like that, I was shifting to a very early.
[00:32:17] Morning shift. So I had to actually be falling asleep by 9:00 PM and that was the only way I could get to sleep. yeah, but what I found is I started disconnecting from the process and so it was more about the friction of my fingers or whatever I happened to be using than it was about the eroticism and the connection of it.
[00:32:36] When I got to that point, I started finding it was much harder to get an orgasm. And a lot of the, like bringing myself back into the experience, putting my presence back on my clip, that was a big help and also slowing down. Cuz I like, I think once we get in this habit of going a certain speed and this is the speed we associate with orgasm, we create that friction process and then the friction.
[00:33:05] Okay. I don’t know how accurate this is, but for me, this is very true that the slower. Someone goes, especially when we’re both aroused and horny and our bodies are appropriately engorged. The slower someone goes, the more I feel it. And the quicker I get somewhere exciting. Mm-hmm the faster they go. The less I feel it, which is not what people expect.
[00:33:32] Yes. And there’s a couple of exceptions to that. There always there’s a few times. Well, there’s sometimes. When I really do just like hard and fast, bright on my GPU with somebody’s cock, but if I’m not present for that, then that also just becomes friction. And if they’re not present for that, it becomes then being friction inside me.
[00:33:53] And that’s
[00:33:55] Bradley: what I want someone putting, tapping your hand next to you, sitting on the bus type thing, and they just don’t stop. That constant stimulation will drive you. Baty crazy even. Your clip’s like get off of me, leave me, Lynn you’re squishing me. So you’re squishing the blood flow out of the cl. And so it can’t stay erect.
[00:34:13] You keep pushing out the erection because it’s a tender, perfectly evolved. Oh my God. That’s another podcast. Just on the clip. I love the look on your face right there. Right? The double, the nerve endings. That double the Pleasure. That’s why they’re gonna have lots of orcas females. Of the increased sensitivity, but you have to be sensitive to your heart sensitive to your emotion central to your mental game.
[00:34:36] Remember, on the last summer, the guy’s fighting the, in the field practicing and the young guy comes up. He’s like too many mind, mind the people mind. So mind fighting mine, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s like too many mind, no mind, right. Be in the moment, feel what is functioning right now until it turns into Pleasure.
[00:34:54] So we’re talking about pressure, like had blood pressure and this and that. Let’s talk about pressure real quick about. Pressure from guys to women. Okay. We’re different head spaces guys out there. If you can relax the pressure from lack of foreplay that’s pressure, cuz you just want sex. You go straight for the clip.
[00:35:14] But kiss them, touch their butt, smiled them, wink at them, send ’em a text. Like that’s the foreplay, kiss them a lot. Kiss. ’em a lot, like a lot. And then start touching them as they’re like, why aren’t you touch me yet? And they’ll grab your hand. They’ll put it where they want it. But because they, you didn’t pressure them too much pressure, physically, too much pressure, emotionally, too much pressure is not going to help your erection.
[00:35:39] It is not gonna get you that. And also if you’re. Yeah. Uh, we learned this hard way and those that have learned it already, they know what I’m talking about. if you think I’m full of shit, you haven’t experienced it yet. or you’re still in that state of mind where it’s like, well, I’m not getting enough.
[00:35:55] Well, right away, Henry Ford said, you know, whatever you say you can or can’t. So if you think about the physics that we’ve talked about, And you apply less pressure in all areas and you listen to your body and you prep it with hydration and a few kisses before you try to fuck her or him, then your erection will naturally increase and get better without any support from external compounds that are artificial.
[00:36:26] And our body’s like, what the fuck is this? And if you piss it off long, Forget having a natural erection ever again, you’ll become dependent on an artificial stimulant, like coffee to wake your ass up in the morning, which I think is bullshit. Sorry for all those that love coffee. I didn’t drink it growing up.
[00:36:44] I like it now, but I enjoy it when I want to. So the same thing, I wanna go have sex. Great. But there’s no scarcity. That’s another thing. So the, the mental game is huge when it comes to having a great erection. And then go stand in some cold water and do it routinely compel your body to work harder.
[00:37:04] Otherwise you’re gonna chase your tail.
[00:37:07] Rebecca: That’s really great points. I’m really glad you brought those up. But one of the things that I was thinking while you were saying, this is that I think you and I have a lot more access to healthy, open, clear sex than most people do. And maybe not most people that listen to the.
[00:37:24] But it’s
[00:37:26] Bradley: general public. Yeah, yeah. Humans. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:37:29] Rebecca: Sometimes there is that belief in scarcity that nobody wants to have sex with me. Nobody wants to see me and my partner is not interested and they haven’t been in years or, or whatever the case is. So having to address that scarcity yeah. Seems very important.
[00:37:47] Okay. So Dr. Bradley, I just heard you say that if you piss your body off, Often enough and long enough that you can forget about having an unstimulated orgasm or an UN
[00:38:00] Bradley: right medicine, right? Unmedicated, orgasm, typically speaking, your body creates that resilience, right? Your, your 0.05 milligrams of Cialis or Viagra works today.
[00:38:13] Cuz you just need a little pick me up, but what happens 10 years down the road? How much of a pick me up literally pun intended. Do you really need at that 0.2 pills, three pills, your body’s like, forget it. And so then it’s natural evolved ability to give you the best heart on when you’re 70 years old, because your body’s strong and healthy.
[00:38:35] Remember I was on the other side of that spectrum for, for most of my life back pain, sciatica down the right side, 20 years, like I said, couldn’t pick up my kids. Couldn’t even get to the church in 15, 20 minute drive without my body freaking out. So I’ve been there and the erection suck. And so, and then you’re not your authentic stuff.
[00:38:52] So this is a different podcast, but the point being is that there’s the dependence wearing a back brace at work all day to only work for when you’re lifting the heavy stuff. Because if you make your muscles lazy or dependent on that back, brace the muscles become lazy. If your penis becomes dependent on a pill, it will become lazy, organically speaking.
[00:39:14] And so expecting. Normal blood flow to get you up anymore. When it relies on that, just like an alcohol, right? It’s the same concept you need dependence on an external thing. Metaphorically speaking, spiritually, physically, it’s all the same parallel. So you have to want it enough and get to a point of running out of fucks to give to where you decide.
[00:39:39] I want to fuck Karen and I’m gonna do what it takes. And so I was born into. This cultish experience in Headspace, I was born into an absolute way of living and thinking. And I being that Libra than just feeling like there’s a balance there and I’m missing something. Finally getting exposure to that. I normalize sexuality.
[00:40:03] It went from sexual shame, sexual abundance, a fucking hard road I’ve ever had to take. And it still gets me emotion. By worth every ounce of sweat, blood years, you name it, it sucked, but I can tell you for the next 40 years, shit, my body’s amazing. Now it was dying and decomposing and getting arthritis and this and that.
[00:40:30] And I’ve got x-rays to show it. I have less arthritis, a straighter spine, better muscle balance than ever before. And my penis goes up any, I kiss my partner. And then 30 seconds were she’s like, let’s go. Like you got it. it’s amazing. But back in the day, my body’s like, ah, I’m sorry. The blood work and flow is going to your low back to fix this because you won’t get me, you know, moving, fix me and strengthen me.
[00:40:58] So yeah, I too took a backseat to sex mentally and physically. Yeah.
[00:41:05] Rebecca: So it sounds like you’re saying that. Becoming dependent and allowing your body to become dependent upon things like that is essentially what I was doing. I was becoming dependent upon the friction when I was masturbating myself to sleep and not really tapping into the eroticism and the arousal of it
[00:41:23] Bradley: instead.
[00:41:25] Exactly. Yeah. And that’s just like life and maturity, the parallels again, right. Children don’t understand what we do. So expecting my kids to not react when they get pissed off or something bad happens to them, they think it’s bad. I’m like that doesn’t exist. The consequence of a reaction it’s physics.
[00:41:44] So you hit your brother. You’re now grounded. They don’t understand that. And neither just some parents. And so the same concepts was like, whack don’t. So if the body is just trained a certain way, it will do as you command your body is the genie and you tell it what to do, eat that hamburger, eat that salad, right?
[00:42:04] Your choice, which one’s gonna fuel your life cells, living stuff. And that translates directly into an erection. Okay. There’s a lot of junction and pathways from the mouth to the penis. Okay. The concept and philosophy. Allowing the penis to do his job started with its foreplay of eating good food and drinking enough water.
[00:42:27] Yes. Your penis in your CLI want foreplay too. Mm. They want food. They want water breathing. No, all those things make a better erection. Awesome.
[00:42:40] Rebecca: Well, I think we’ve already covered this one. Someone asked for recommendations and tips for increasing blood flow and sexual performance in men over 50. And they asked if there are any male sex age or toys to help stimulate.
[00:42:54] Bradley: Okay. I introduced myself as Bradley to my patients. I’m not Dr. Bradley I’m. I am a teacher. Dr. Means teacher. So first thing I teach my patients is forget about the age. It’s just a fucking number. Okay. The universe or not the universe, the universe doesn’t care. What the age is. They’re like, are you doing what is congruent with growth and evolution for your body in adaptation?
[00:43:18] And if you’re not, then you can expect it to decompose and die off faster and just be achy every moment of the day I’ve been there. Sucks. So age does not matter. I’m 40 and have better erections. Like I said earlier than I did when I was 20 cuz I was overweight. Wasn’t working out. I had youth on my side.
[00:43:38] What happens when you’re the youth is gone? Now I’m 50. Again, get labels. Don’t help diagnose season. I have this diagnosis. I have arthritis. Yes. I have some arthritis in my pack. Who fucking cares. It doesn’t keep growing if you keep things moving. So in this situation, H doesn’t matter. The aids for sex are toys that men can use.
[00:43:58] Um, again, it doesn’t matter the age cuz even 30 year olds have issues with at night take health histories on every patient takes me about an hour to go through the whole first new visit. And we go over these things all the time and erectile dysfunction’s common. So let’s get back to why it’s there in the first place, the issues on the right on the hip, the pains on the left.
[00:44:16] So don’t go for the symptom. The erectile dysfunction is still a symptom. So the secret is to make sure that we are doing those little things, drink more water and go stand in some cold water for a few minutes every day, or sit in a cold bathtub. Like don’t make an excuse, find a way to do something that will change the course of your results.
[00:44:39] Insanity is expecting different results by doing the same fucking thing day after day and getting frustrated. And then your mental game goes to shit. And you start wondering why is everything falling apart? Bend there too. And it’s a self perpetuating machine. They do exist. It’s called your brain, your mind.
[00:44:59] Take that out of the mind, thinking that a toy’s going to make my erection better. Yes. But why can’t you have an erection in the first place? Why do we not ask the us, ourselves, those questions we’re not taught to because there’s no money Enso that riddle, cuz once you have a full on erection all the time, because you you’re hydrated.
[00:45:19] And you did a few of these things increase blood flow, even a little bit of yoga, like stretching the muscles, because if your muscle’s kinking down around the groin, you have that tight muscle. I’ve had blue balls, right. We have that sore testicle from not ejaculating or just that buildup. Sometimes it started because after a workout, like doing squats, my leg muscles would be so tight that I, because I didn’t do my foam rolling and stretching in yoga.
[00:45:45] And I was like, ah, I ain’t got time for that shit. Right. And I was like, I gotta get onto work. I got kids, I got this. And so stretching will improve erections because you open up the junctions where at those transitions where your hips are, meet the groin, meet the hips. You open up those pathways naturally by stretching.
[00:46:05] So toys save your money. We’re in an economic hardship time. Right now. Go stand in some cold water, drink more water. Did I answer all those questions?
[00:46:17] Rebecca: I think you did. There are more questions, but I think we’re outta time. Okay. So Bradley, could you tell me a little bit about where people can find you if they wanted to come and see you and get an adjustment?
[00:46:28] Bradley: Absolutely. So I’m over in Kitsap county in a quiet space called Silverdale. So you can go to my website. It’s Franklin chiro.com short for chiropractic. So C H I R O a lot of people say Franklin chiro, it’s kind of Q. I also offer one to two times a month, depending on schedules, uh, it’s Tuesday evening and a Saturday, a class called connecting the dots on health.
[00:46:54] We’ve called it lots of things back to basics. That was my original class. That’s been evolving over the years. So now we’re at this hands on where you guys participate. So Rebecca you’d come to my class and we would first connect all the dots on pain cycle. Why pain is our. And then we can talk about all the, these basic things like this.
[00:47:13] And we even touch on sexuality from time to time, depending on, I know if there’s kids in the class or not, we don’t wanna shock them. I have no problem sharing with them if they’re ready for it. Yes. We have our next class coming up on June 21st, where we talk about this it’s an hour long. So we, we debunk miss about health and bullshit that we’ve been fed about our health so that we can actually start to thrive and this, and that’s where we change our behavior.
[00:47:36] And it’s no longer insanity and your results will be different. How much better and more, more, better, and more different as my kids say, it’s up to you. So, and then the middle of class is a Q and a ask me any question. I had a big Mac yesterday and my big toe swab up. Why I will tell them the physiology, what connects the brain, the mouth, the foot, all that together.
[00:47:57] Probably tell ’em to stop eating so many big Macs, right.
[00:47:59] Rebecca: especially if they’re
[00:48:00] Bradley: making their foot fall up. Right. So ridiculous comments, questions, concerns about health, bring ’em. And if I can’t figure it out, you get, you get extra raffles in the class, extra prizes, and I’m gonna go look it up and we’ll figure it out.
[00:48:12] And then the last part is hands on. I teach people how to foam roll. What is a foam roll? If they look at this foam thing of like, what is that a sex twin? Like actually, no, Never thought about, and we teach ’em some basic B work to strengthen and stretch their muscles. Right. Because if we do that, they’re gonna have better blood flow and that will increase their sexual capacity.
[00:48:33] Yeah. So yeah, we touch on so many fun, practical stuff and people, it only goes from six 30 to seven 30. People stay till 8, 8 30 sometimes. Like I gotta go to bed, show down the gym at 4:00 AM. Love you guys. We’ll talk more next time. So that’s coming up, but you can get ahold of me there. You can send, uh, emails through my website and I can get ahold of you that way.
[00:48:53] Rebecca: Fantastic. So I’ll make sure that I put the links and the details for that event in the show notes for this episode. Wonderful. Thank you. And I hope a lot of people come and see you and help get their body and their alignment all fixed back so they can have better sex. Exactly. Oh yeah. Awesome. Thank you so much for being here.
[00:49:12] Bradley: It’s been a Pleasure. Thank you, Rebecca.
[00:49:18] I’m a Libra. According to the war scopes, I don’t subscribe their guidelines. Just like parlay. They’re more like guidelines and actual rules pirates. So, um, what was the topic?
[00:49:36] Rebecca: Hey there. Pleasure. Seek. Well, that’s it for today’s conversation here at Pleasure Central Radio. We love using conscious communication, science geekery and copious amounts of true Pleasure to improve our partnerships, our money and our love lives.
[00:49:52] And we hope you do too. If you loved what you heard here, we’d love a review. You can do this easily on podcast players like Spotify and apple podcasts. It only takes a couple of seconds and it’s an easy way to help more people discover the show without you having to actually bring it up with them. To hear other episodes of the podcast and get notified immediately when a new episode is released.
[00:50:15] Follow me on your favorite podcast player. Find out more and get in touch at Pleasure Central Radio dot com. Your thought to ponder today
[00:50:23] Bradley: is yeah. Survival mode. When you don’t get to live your authentic self, it’s so difficult to prioritize. Pleasure. Mm-hmm because you still have to have your hire full needs met first.
[00:50:38] Sex is one of ’em. It is a very important part of life, but it’s not breathing and it’s not digesting food that keeps yourselves alive.
Thanks for listening to Pleasure Central Radio hosted by me, Rebecca Beltran. Thanks to the guest for this episode, Dr. Bradley Franklin.
Technical production by Creators Abroad (Catharina Joubert).
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Thank you for being a part of the conversation. And I look forward to your company on the next episode.
PHOTO CREDIT for show’s main artwork to JodyRaePhotography.com
RESOURCES The Wim Hof Method (cold water submersion)