In episode 110, Rebecca discusses relationship agreements with Jodi Baygood. They explore how to create co-empowerment in a new relationship in order to maintain a healthy connection to your partner, while having your space and individuality respected.
Find out why communication is essential for establishing a strong foundation for your relationship, how this impacts whether your needs are met and those of your partner/partners and why strong, thoughtful agreements can prevent the development of toxicity and save you tons of time, energy and heartache.
Connect with Jodi
Jodi Baygood is a powerful, passionate, multi-faceted healer and teacher in spiritual-sexual transformation. She has studied extensively, mastering male/female differences in communication, healing and sexual approaches. She pioneered the Hawaiian community in sexuality workshops, including Orgasmic Meditation and advanced tantric practices as well as the Sacred Rivers of Love with David Bruce Leonard.
She facilitates other sacred sexuality workshops and as a prolific leader, Jodi works intimately with couples who are determined to use sexuality for their evolution in all five aspects of their lives. She continues to deepen her own practices, while offering hands-on healing sessions to people from all over the world.
Think about this:
– What do you want and what do you need from a relationship?
– Having clear agreements are valuable for all types of relationships – whether polyamorous, monogamous or open / free dancing
– Key elements of a relationship agreement:
1. Expectations
2. Deal breakers
3. Needs
4. Development – children / no children / long-term?
– If you are going to invite a third person into your relationship, or engage as a third with a couple, communicate openly with all partners and observe their interaction and whether energy is gained or lost.
– Honor and respect your partnership by knowing what your partner/s need and desire.
– When considering different styles of relationships, this is essential:
1. Am I able and willing to bring Open heart to heart communication to the table?
2. Am I able to hold my space and hold myself in this experience and be 100% accountable for what I am creating?
3. Am I able to take responsibility for the after care of it?
4. Is this a co-empowering experience?
5. Can I slow down enough to honour myself, each other and the experience of our creation no matter what?
Keep Exploring
Listen to Episode 100 with Wendy Newman about how to get what you truly need in a relationship.
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